Shugart Homes, located in High Point, NC, had storm drainpipe issues requiring the immediate need to clean their storm drains. The company reached out to EWSG’s KRG Utility division with a request for proposal to have this scoped work performed.
Shugart Homes, located in High Point, NC, had storm drainpipe issues, requiring the immediate need to clean and inspect their storm drains to discover the cause of the problem.
Following completion of cleaning and cctv work performed by KRG Utility, the City of High Point identified corrective action issues that Shugart Homes had awarded the additionally scoped work for sectional point repairs to KRG Utility.
The developer reached out to EWSG’s KRG Utility division with a request for proposal to have this scoped work performed. KRG Utility submitted a proposal to Shugart Homes and was awarded the project. KRG Utility’s CCTV segment provided a 4-crewmember team to provide the requested cleaning and CCTV inspection services on 10,000 linear feet of 15, 18, and 24-inch storm drainpipe, using a combination truck and dedicated CCTV van.
Based on photos and video observations from the inspection, it was discovered by the City of High Point’s engineers that 39 places in the drainpipes were deteriorated and allowing entry to sediment, gravel and surface water infiltration. KRG was tapped to perform sectional liner repairs to these locations. Describe in detail the types of sectional repairs made. What type? What materials, equipment and tools were employed?
Shugart Homes’ storm drain system was restored to full function and capacity, keeping them in compliance with local runoff regulations.
Project Details
Meadow Valley
Shugart Homes
High Point, NC
KRG Utility CCTV
Material used