Our rehabilitation and renewal services restore your failing infrastructure to full function, lengthening the efficiency and life of your system
When your underground assets show signs of significant deterioration or failure to function, it’s time to figure out what needs to be restored and what requires replacement to get your system back to peak operating status. Then you need to determine the best solutions for these issues, and implement them in the most timely, cost-effective manner. Our rehabilitation specialists can partner with and guide you in these efforts to add years of service life to your infrastructure.
Slip Lining
When a large-diameter channel, pipe or culvert deteriorates over time, it has the potential to completely collapse. Slip lining is a trenchless method of “slipping” a new pipe into the existing pipeline—as long as it has mostly straight runs, and no major obstacles or sharp bends—by pulling or pushing a new, smaller diameter length of pipe into the compromised section of host pipe.
Pipe Bursting
Pipe bursting, also called in-line expansion, is a proven and affordable form of trenchless pipeline rehabilitation, especially where maintaining capacity is critical. In fact, it’s actually pipeline replacement, using the existing pipe as a conduit for the new one. WSG pipe bursting crews have decades of experience using this relatively low-tech, high-value-return method. Pipe bursting typically yields the largest increase in hydraulic capacity of any other trenchless rehabilitation method.
Manhole Rehabilitation
EWSG regularly performs an array of manhole rehabilitation services, including repair, recoating, and when required, replacement. We offer manhole rehabilitation and replacement to cities, smaller municipalities, factories, plants, quarries, HOAs…anyone with responsibility for maintaining their own sanitary or storm sewer systems.
Trenchless Point Repairs
Most municipalities in the American Southeast are sitting atop underground sanitary sewer systems that are long past their intended design life. For better or worse, these structural assets rarely fail completely, all at once. EWSG performs trenchless “sectional” line repairs, only to those segments that are failing, saving potentially huge expense and time. We are a certified installer for the major sectional lining kit providers in the Southeast. We employ specially trained, dedicated trenchless point repair crews, to ensure proper technique and a quality installation every time.
Excavated Point Repairs
Traditional excavated point repairs are called for when there are only one or two pipe defects, but they are significant enough to need digging out and replacing. EWSG is currently contracted to perform point repairs for more than a dozen municipal clients. In 2018 alone, EWSG performed more than 250 open cut repairs in defective storm and wastewater lines, and has three full-time crews dedicated to open cut work. Our experienced crews routinely perform point repairs at depths beyond 20 feet, and perform well point, by-pass, and other support activities for repairs below the water table.
Regardless which type of R&R services you need, our deeply knowledgeable and experienced crews are as much problem-solvers as they are service providers.